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Dr. Mrinal Pal

Dr. Mrinal Pal, PhD
Principal, Magnetic Materials
CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata., India

Dr. Mrinal Pal started his research carrier in 1992 as a junior scholar and completed Ph.D. work in 1997 from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. He appointed as a faculty member (Lecturer) at The University of Burdwan in 2002 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2006. He moved to CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur in 2010 as a Principal Scientist. Currently, he is Principal Scientist (Normal promotion to Sr. Principal Scientist is due from 2015) at CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata. The research work of Dr. Pal primarily aims at synthesizing Nanostructured materials (including magnetic, multiferroics, spintornics and sensors materials) and understanding their structure-property correlation for various applications. He is engaged in developing various gas sensors for advanced medical application. Dr. Pal has postdoctoral research experience for over four years in countries like Italy, Japan, Russia and India. He has received prestigious awards including STA fellowship of Govt. of Japan and MRSI Medal-2016. He has guided several students for their Ph.D. degree. He has published around 95 papers in SCI journal of international repute and delivered more than 30 invited /keynote talks. He has also delivered several popular lecturers to disseminate scientific advancement among students to motivate them. He is life member of various scientific societies and honorary reviewers of various RSC, ASC, IEEE and Elsevier journals. Dr. Pal has successfully completed and presently involved in several projects and has collaboration in different labs both in India and abroad.

Research Interest

The research work of Dr. Pal primarily aims at synthesizing Nanostructured materials (including magnetic, multiferroics, spintronics and sensors materials) and understanding their structure-property correlation for various device applications. He is engaged in developing various gas sensors for advanced medical application.

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